¡Hola queridos #Tippytealovers!
On this occasion we want to tell you that we were at the Seed Festival - Muyu Raymi, an event held in Cotacachi by indigenous communities since 2000 to celebrate the sowing season.

For indigenous communities, seeds are very important, they are life and wisdom, they represent a true gift from nature. In this event, the indigenous people seek that people learn to revalue what is ours and learn more about the power of seeds and all their properties.

At the Seed Festival we were able to appreciate the wide biodiversity of Cotacachi. For example, of the 120 varieties of corn that exist in Ecuador, 18 are produced in Cotacachi. Other products such as grains, vegetables, local fruits, blackberries, wild bilberry, amaranth, tubers, among others, were also presented. As part of the Seed Festival, the Culinary Identity Fair is carried out in which typical dishes are prepared with local products and ventures of community members are presented.

For this festivity, organizations of indigenous women, producers and visitors from every corner of Ecuador got together. For us it was very important to attend, because as a company we are always exploring and looking for local products in order to make new tea blends: fruits, herbs and vegetables. We are very concerned about the quality, origin and traceability of the products we use.

Currently, the work we are doing seeks to develop agrobiodiversity productions with the women of the indigenous communities of Otavalo; technically advising for the planting, harvesting and organic certification of local herbs and fruits. In addition, we help them improve their monthly income by buying their products at a fair price.

At Tippytea we are social and environmental responsibility fans. We loved being part of this event, it is in these spaces where the country in which we live in is most valued, with unique products, with hard-working people and with big dreams.
Tippytea, products with conscience.
Organic, handcrafted and high quality tea.